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I just created an RSS feed of my /now page! I haven't been very active in my blog, but I've kept updating this, so subscribe if you want see what I'm up to!

I started a video series about the practical use of #solid

I talked a lot about it's vision and the ideas behind it, and most people really like all the concepts, but struggle o use it in practice (for many good reasons)

I am showing what Solid can actually do today and in practice and share my experience using it as an early adopter and developer for many years now.

If this sounds interesting to you, follow @practical_solid to get all the updates

Inrupt recently open-sourced a Data Wallet, and I have some comments about it. If you care about , I think it's important that you're aware of what's going on. Join the discussion in the forum:

Somewhat reluctantly, I'm going to start using Bluesky 😅. Twitter is getting worse by the day (almost nobody sees my Tweets anymore), and I've had this Mastodon account for ages, but it's too technical for some people. So I'll be using 3 apps that do basically the same thing 🤷.

In any case, as you may already know, I'm not super active. I'll continue cross-posting everywhere, but the best place to follow my work is still my website, which you can subscribe through RSS:

This was a far fetched idea, but seeing how easy it's been, I may consider making it for real. I know the devil is in the details, but so far I've been pleasantly surprised. I also have to give credit to Laravel, which makes this type of quick prototyping a breeze.

Last week I started tinkering with this Solid Server from scratch, and now it works with most of my apps (including authentication!). Furthermore, it uses a Nextcloud account for storage :D.

It's just a proof of concept; and I didn't implement any of the hairy stuff (authentication, authorization, content negotiation, etc). But with very little effort, it works with a couple of my apps. So it already covers 90% of the functionality I rely on as an app developer.

It's because of things like this that I always say that in reality, Solid is very easy to learn. If you grasp the basics, it's really not a lot more complicated than understanding REST apis.

During my sabbatical, I've decided to try making a Solid Server from scratch to see how complicated it would be... And turns out I got it working in a single day 🤯.

It's very experimental, but check it out if you're curious:

The times they are a-changin'! After almost 5 years at Moodle, I've decided to quit my job and take a sabbatical. I'll be back to work in January 2025, so I'll have plenty of time to ponder what to do next.

You can learn more about it in my blog:

This weekend I rebuilt my Freedom Calculator mini-app. I built the first version years ago when I started thinking of quitting my job, to see how long I could remain unemployed working on personal projects. It'll come in handy soon :). freedom-calculator.noeldemarti

New video is up! This time I talk about routing and how I've been working on the new UI.

I've been working on a redesign of my first app, a Task Manager called "Solid Focus". It's looking pretty nice, I can't wait to release it :D.

I've been working on for more than 5 years, and sometimes people ask me why. If you've also wondered that, here's my answer:

I always talk about Ramen, but up until recently I hadn't cooked it myself. Some months ago, I finally did it and I'm quite happy with the results :D.

Of course, I've still got a lot to improve, but it came out pretty decent 🙈.

Here's the recording of my second talk at the Symposium.

I found about CRDTs and local-first some years ago, and they fit perfectly with the way I wanted to build apps. In this presentation, I share how I applied them to Solid. Check it out!

In case you missed last week's Symposium, here's my first talk!

It is about Developer Experience, a topic dear to my heart. I talk about the tools I've created and what's important for Solid DX overall. Let me know what you think!

This slide from the SolidLab session says a lot about the Solid Ecosystem and what I struggle with the most as an app developer

"use your privilege for common good" Love this closing line from @csarven's presentation! It's great to finally see him live :)

If you're interested in the full recount of my experience going through the course, you can read it in my website:

I finally completed Josh W Comeau's course, and I have to say it's the most comprehensive course I've ever seen. It should be required material for anyone working with CSS (I'm not kidding).

And to top it off, it's super fun!

100% recommend:

Reminder that next month I'll be attending the 2nd in Belgium. And I can now confirm that I'll be giving not one, but two talks! One about Developer Experience, and another one about Local-first CRDTs.

The registrations are open, I'm looking forward to meet you there :).

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.