Me, keeping an eye on my task queue as a conversation starts on my latest post 👀

#sidekiq #mastodon #scale #activityPub

I should probably stop replying to people now, shouldn’t I?

But I won’t!



@aral have you considered using pleroma instead? It's supposedly much less resource intensive.

I guess migrating the data would be a pain if you want to keep your toots

@martijn @aral Came here to ask the same thing :)

Now that hopefully the load has decreased 🤞, can you share your thoughts on pleroma? I've also heard the performance is better for instances-of-one.

@noeldemartin @aral I'm still in the process of setting up my instance-of-one (I'm just slow, it doesn't seem complicated) but I don't have the kind of follow(er/ing) counts that I will be able to say much about performance. Especially since I never ran a mastodon instance


@martijn @aral I also have a similar situation. I've been running my instance-of-one and I haven't had any performance issues. But of course, I know that's because I don't have that many connections.

So when I read @aral's post I found it very interesting, and I wonder if he's got any thoughts on pleroma or other projects. After all, that's one of the nice things about the fediverse. Different use-cases can leverage different implementations instead of having a one-size-fits-all solution.

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.