As part of my New Year cleanup I’ve completely revamped the way I was getting my news and finally centralised all my favourite sources in one good #RSS reader (including Mastodon tags). So far it’s revolutionised my day by reducing distractions hugely.

(I tried a bunch but the best solution for me was Reeder 5. If someone knows a solid open source RSS reader that integrates really well across Apple devices please let me know!)

@martin That's great :) I've been using RSS for ages and I think it's great.

A couple of tips, if a website doesn't have an RSS feed you can use something like to generate it yourself. And you can also subscribe to any github repo/subfolder with the following url: `{user}/{repository}/commits/{branch}/{path-to-file-or-folder?}.atom`

For example:

@noeldemartin I've been using it for a long time too (that's why there's native RSS for Moodle activities like forums!), but in recent years I drifted into checking feeds on lots of different systems every day - email/socials/YouTube/Mastodon etc. From now on, I'm going to discipline myself with intentional feeds on one reader.

Other useful tools: - they create and maintain feeds for lots of things that don't have them natively - makes it easy to convert email newsletters into RSS


@martin Nice, I forgot to mention kill-the-newsletter, but I use it too :D.

Didn't know about :)

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