If you're curious about how I created Umai, and you haven't read my development journals, I just generated a podcast with NotebookLM. Plug this in your favorite podcast app to give it a listen (or click to listen in the browser): noeldemartin.com/podcast/feed.

These journals are a bit all over the place, but there's a lot of interesting information in there. I always thought that AI would be useful to make them easier to consume, and this podcast format is perfect.


Still, it wasn't all smooth sailing. I had to tweak it multiple times to get a decent result. But I'm happy with how it turned out. So I may look into this further, let me know what you think!

I mean, just look at the ending remarks:

"Umai shows us that Solid is a vision worth striving for. A vision where we can all have our cake and eat it too. And have the recipe for it. Securely stored in our POD."


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Noel's Mastodon

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