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I've been working on a redesign of my first app, a Task Manager called "Solid Focus". It's looking pretty nice, I can't wait to release it :D.

I've been working on for more than 5 years, and sometimes people ask me why. If you've also wondered that, here's my answer:

After years of fruitless pursuit, I finally got my hands on some stickers at !! Thanks to the @NGIZero folks :D.

If we ever meet and you want one, let me know; I'll be glad to share them :).

Thanks to everyone who attended my talk yesterday, From Zero to Hero with Solid!

If you missed it or want to watch it again you can get the recording here:

(it should eventually appear on the event page but it's taking some time)

Starting in 2 hours! You can catch the livestream in the link below, or watch the recording later on.

Remember that next week I'll be giving my talk on at FOSDEM! The schedule has changed since I announced it, make sure to be there at the right time if you planned on attending :D. There will also be a recording if you miss it live!

I submitted a talk proposal for FOSDEM, and I'm glad to announce that it's been accepted 🥳! FOSDEM will be held the 4th & 5th of February in Brussels.

I hope to see you there :D.

It's been a long time in the making, but I finally have a visual update for my upcoming app! It's still work in progress, and I don't expect to release it at least until the beginning of next year, but it's starting to show its real form :)

Do you want to make apps using the protocol, but don't know where to start? This Wednesday I'm going to present a Hello World I've been working on, that just uses plain JavaScript and HTML (no frameworks!). Come and join the conversation!

I've been working on my next app, recently I've been playing with some interesting concepts. What if you could use it completely offline, and sync all the changes with your POD when you're back online?

Jackson Morgan has been posting a series of videos about , and the last one features Media Kraken!

If you're getting started with Solid or want to learn more, you should check them out!

Are you a developer and do you want to share lists of movies with your friends? Check out Media Kraken Viewer:

I've made a simple app to test compatibility with different PODs, if it doesn't work with your Solid account please let me know by opening an issue!

After some months of side-project work, here's my new app. If you don't have a Solid POD, data will be stored locally and you can upgrade to Solid when you're ready! Media Kraken will help you keep track of your media, starting with movies in v0.1.

Here's a sneak peek of the media tracker I'm working on! I've probably spent more time than I should implementing some animations, but I'm happy with the results!

Tomorrow afternoon I'm giving a lightning talk at where I'll explain how I built a Task Manager using the protocol, come say hi if you're around!

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.