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If you're curious about the different approaches to make Solid Apps, @megoth just launched a website comparing some of them. It's also a great resource if you know nothing about Solid and want to learn some basics :). Check it out!

I feel like our industry is increasingly treating accessibility, performance, and security as box-ticking exercises:

- Get WCAG compliance
- Get green on Core Web Vitals
- Update all your vulnerable dependencies

Maybe this is better than the status quo (since we're so bad at these things), but I worry it removes a lot of the thought and artistry from the job. If all your energy is spent on box-ticking, there's no time for anything else. And management thinks it's "done" when the box is ticked.

@thisismissem Well it's not super nice because the UI is blocked longer than it should, which is a problem I'm aware of. But it's a trade-off I'm willing to live with for now.

Thanks for your feedback, I'll keep it in mind when I work further on this :).

@thisismissem Hm I see what you mean, but I think that's not an issue in my case. There is no "restoring session" state because the $solid service is not ready until the session has been restored (or failed restoring). So by the time the app has booted, you're either "logged in" or "logged out". Services have this concept of "booted", and until they are fully booted the app doesn't even render anything on the screen.

@thisismissem Hm I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but the authentication information is exposed through the $solid service. You can check if you're logged in with $solid.loggedIn, for example. And by default it initializes logged out, but you can configure it to auto reconnect on start up.

I guess you could say it is a state machine with the following states:

- Logged out
- Logging in
- Logged in

Maybe I could improve that and make it more explicit, is that what you mean?

@thisismissem Hey thanks :D.

It does use Inrupt's library for authentication, although it can be configured to use something else (Inrupt's library is the one used by default).

What do you mean that it doesn't correctly expose the state, can you elaborate?

I just posted a video showing what you can do with the framework I'm working on, Aerogel. Check it out!

Just saw that my apps Media Kraken and Umai were featured in Tim Berners-Lee's recent keynote at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress :D. Thanks Tim!

The streaming industry is so broken that even though I'm paying for Netflix, I can't watch the One Piece Live Action in the Japanese nor Latin American Spanish dubs.

Can someone remind me why that isn't possible?

I'm back to Barcelona after a couple of months in Japan, and it was great!

It was my first time doing something called a "mini-life", and I think I'll be doing it again. You can read about my experience here:

Ok, false alert, sorry! After double checking actually most links are working and also the #twitter archive contains a field "expanded_url" with the full URL! So the situation is much better than I initially thought.

Thanks for double checking and making me aware
@mittelwertsatz @jonny @brewsterkahle et al.

It is still a big risk, that twitter has the power to wall in those #links

#gatedcommunities #fediverse #web

Now all #twitter links are blocked by twitter login. All #links we ever shared via twitter can not be followed anymore without signing in to twitter, no matter where in the #WWW they point to. Twitter put a gate in front of our links by "shortening" them and now they locked the gate. We never should have given them such power. #gatedcommunities #fediverse #web

@rosano I've been following kadavy for years (possibly the first creator I ever "followed"!), so I definitely recommend checking out more of his stuff like the blog and podcast :).

And yeah about traveling/nomad life I don't think I'd like doing it too often, but I'm sure I'll enjoy doing it now and then so let's see how this goes!

I'll be in Tokyo most of July and August, let me know if you're around and want to meet up!

This week I attended and I enjoyed it a lot! It was great to meet a community where Developers, Designers, and Open Source come together. I'll definitively pay more attention to @penpot!

If you're curious, check out the recordings at

@rosano I think it depends on your goal for a project.

If it is to accomplish something, and you're sure working with other people will make it better; you should involve others.

If your goal is to create a "lifestyle business" (nothing wrong with that), then it's fine to keep working alone. But you have to assume the limitations of that model.

It's not only one or the other, but I find it very difficult to believe that you could fully achieve both. You should choose one and embrace it.

I have sent a couple of letters to myself in the future and it's always been useful to see things more clearly. You know, all that about overestimating the short term and underestimating the long term.

I've been using, in case you're curious to try it yourself!

What's going on with at the moment is awesome. I hope it ends well and I hope to see a lot more of this in the future. Ideally, communities will eventually migrate to making better technology choices though. But hey, it's a start.

@billbsb Thank you :). At the moment I'm tinkering with Nextcloud and one of the things I'm looking into is using it as a Solid POD, but I'm not working on any new Solid Apps at the moment. Although I will probably do once I'm done with this :). You can follow what I'm doing in

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