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@dajbelshaw I don't know if I'm still on time, but Happy Birthday to your daughter :D

git only tracks the executable part of file permissions, so nothing about users or write/read permissions.

I'm watching a Japanese TV program where they visit Eiichiro Oda's home (the author of the manga One Piece). They've just shown that he has an Alexa 😱 That means Amazon could be listening in on the secrets of One Piece!!

I started reading "Los tónicos de la voluntad" by Santiago Ramón y Cajal. It has been sitting on my shelf for a long time, so it's about time :).

I recently finished reading Musashi. Awesome book. I enjoyed it so much that I've decided to write a blog post telling you what I learned. It's spoiler-free, so check it out:

Today I completed lesson 10 of Seth Godin's The Bootstrapper's Workshop. It's been great and I've learned a lot. If you are interested to see my progress read it here: I agree 100%, and something like can achieve that :) The thing is of course how many will adopt it.

I have been trying to improve my writing, and one of the things I noticed is that I write "I think..." a lot. Most of the time it's not necessary to say it, and the message stays the same.

This is one of the funniest christmas traditions in Catalonia: Els Caganers! It's Christmas time and you start seeing figurines of anyone you can imagine taking a dump :D

I didn't think I'd ever do this, but this month I started living with a cat at home and I talk to her while no one's around! Never say never 😹

Damn I forgot that Firebug existed and what coding on the web was like those days. Looking back, the web ecosystem has improved a lot (albeit maybe adding more complexity than I'd like). Except CSS, it still sucks.

Seems like server implementations don't support SPARQL yet, keep that in mind when working with applications storing a lot of data. The current recommendation is to use Globbing instead.

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What's the one thing that they made a sequel to that didn't need a sequel? 

@aral @indie I guess it could be clearly stated as a list of "organizations/projects who declare themdelves as practitioners of ethical design" without any validation? I know it's not proof or anything, but the act of wanting to appear on that list would be a good starting point :).

Hey @indie @aral is there any way to find a list or directory of companies who adhere to ?

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.