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I've been searching for the Javascript equivalent of Laravel's tap helper and I couldn't find it, so I ended up doing it myself. Here's my version in Javascript & Typescript!

that Github Actions logs expire, and I wasn't able to find when. I had been switching to them in all my repositories for convenience, but this is a blocker for me. Back to SemaphoreCI it is.

Here's a sneak peek of the media tracker I'm working on! I've probably spent more time than I should implementing some animations, but I'm happy with the results!

I love styling with TailwindCSS and I've learned a lot about colors and design systems using it. Today I created a simple PWA to help building color palettes with it, check it out.

I joined 3 months ago, and now I can say that I am very happy to be working here. I struggled to find a company with values that I share, but now that I have I'm looking forward to being here for a long time :).

Tomorrow afternoon I'm giving a lightning talk at where I'll explain how I built a Task Manager using the protocol, come say hi if you're around!

I just found out that most wireless mouse controllers have a hidden compartment next to the batteries to store the USB stick 🤯

I just created an RSS feed of my /now page! I haven't been very active in my blog, but I've kept updating this, so subscribe if you want see what I'm up to!

Some people is against New Year Resolutions, but I do them and here's two things I always keep in mind:

✅ It's better to build habits than set goals, so many of my goals are tracking new habits

✅ Keep them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time-related)

"If you A/B test a website enough times, it will turn into a Porn site." 🤣 If you haven't yet, listen to Akimbo

"What simultaneously sucks and doesn't? This new robot vacuum cleaner" Is this the best news headline ever? 😂 I signed up for The Register newsletter some weeks ago and it's awesome. Great way to stay up-to-date and hilariously funny.

Am I the only one who watches videos and listens to podcasts at 1x?

I am a big fan of One Piece, and reading this week's chapter was bittersweet because what happened shows it's really nearing its end. I want to enjoy what's left with as much intensity as always, and so far the series is at its best. Thank you Oda!

I am a big fan of One Piece, and reading this week's chapter was bittersweet because what happened shows it's really nearing its end. I want to enjoy what's left with as much intensity as always, and so far the series is at its best. Thank you Oda!

After more than a year on my backlog, I finally gave Laravel Nova a try. It was as good as expected, Laravel quality. Read more about it here:

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.