Read a few more horror stories about people waking up to a huge AWS bill. As Assaf Arkin puts it, "You're always one DoS away from a disastrous bill."

I actually like the idea of serverless (it simplifies things for me, at the cost of potential lock-in), but the idea of one of my side projects costing me my retirement is not pleasant. So I went into AWS and aggressively throttled all my Lambda functions. Not a great solution, but it's all there is apparently. 🤷‍♂️


@nolan Just the other day I tried to give this serverless thing a try, but I was discouraged to see that none of the solutions I found have a way to limit spending (DigitalOcean Functions, AWS Lambda, Netlify Functions, etc.).

Although I have to wonder, I suppose all of this can be configured through APIs, right? So why hasn't anybody build a 3rd party service/script to listen to these alerts and shut down the services automatically after crossing a certain threshold?

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