I won't be implementing #ActivityPods (#ActivityPub + Solid PODs) any time soon but I'm curious and hopefully someone who knows #Solid can answer. How does a POD provider store its data, both RDF and unstructured? Block, file, or object storage?
Also, I can see how AS2 objects fit well into RDF but property graphs seem better suited for databases. Do PODs really give up the features you would get from a graph database and store it all as files and folders or does it use some graph DB that uses RDF? I feel like I must be missing something.



@santisbon The way data is stored is an implementation detail, different POD providers do it differently. The only requirements that the protocol mandates is that you can write RDF triples to documents, or store binary files. I gave a presentation introducing how Solid works, in case you're interested: youtube.com/watch?v=kPzhykRVDu

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