@dajbelshaw ah
Messaged old Doug

am i reading your moodle net docs right you picked react over vue.js last week ?

@dajbelshaw Yeah I also like Vue way better, but seems like React is getting a lot of traction :(

@noeldemartin Well @mayel has the details, but it was about having a common code base for desktop and mobile 👍

@dajbelshaw Yeah I know, we talked about it on the birdsite (before I had my Mastodon account) twitter.com/NoelDeMartin/statu

At the end I guess it comes down to personal opinion, both are good choices. I just love Vue too much :D. And I don't like that React is from Facebook.

@noeldemartin Me neither, but i think we'd rather rely on stuff developed and maintained by big companies instead of individuals!


@dajbelshaw Well I don't know, I think Vue has reached a level of maturity were that can't be considered to be a problem. If anything I would say it's better because it has a BDFL controlling the ship (I don't know if it's also the case for React).

But yeah, I think it's only a matter of opinion, both are great choices.

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