Follow up to this, it was posted here
If you follow the link you'll see the attached image. I'm not cool with "fingers in your ears" on styling apps. I don't care how it's done, but just slapping a framework in there and not doing anything else isn't how I use frameworks…


@DavidDarnes Yeah I agree, in fact in most of my latest projects I am choosing TailwindCSS, which is almost like no framework.

@noeldemartin heard a lot about that, not sure about the complex class names but I can certainly see the potential

@DavidDarnes I'd recommend giving it a try, it's very intuitive and you can also do components if you wish to. The only drawback is that you actually need to know CSS, but as we're talking about it's not really a problem :D. For me the best part is not having to think about naming things all the time "I will call this card, and this box, this primary button, this call to action, ..." You just have to worry about how you want it to look.

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