@dajbelshaw Hey, looking at your tweet about DIY I thought a question for an upcomming microcast :D. What's your opinion on creating inclusive software? I know some companies choose what to support based on the demographics in their analytics, but that's just reinforcing existing bias. One example is supporting screen-readers, there'll never be many users with those needs. Also, MoodleNet has a big audience, but how would you balance this at a startup's early stage?

@dajbelshaw In case you're interested in my opinion, I think focusing on web technologies is the answer :). Nowadays it's not that difficult to create a good experience in all devices using web technologies. If there's a need for dedicated mobile apps, there are choices to package web apps. Of course it comes at a cost in terms of UX, but I think it's better to pay this cost than cut some people off.

People seem to be too lazy to make the effort to create native applications and instead just push it ontop of HTTP.
Which will cause bad performance, memory overhead and so on and so forth.


@nifker @dajbelshaw Well that is my point, if you've got limited resources and can only choose one platform, I choose the web. Of course, the ideal scenario would be to have native applications but it's not about being lazy. Also if the app is implemented as an SPA it isn't that different from a native app on the network, it will affect performance thou.

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