I want to support decentralisation, but I also want to have some confidence that a Mastodon instance will be around in the somewhat longer term.

Thus, I was thinking about moving to #Fosstodon. Anything to be aware of?

@vinnl Personally, I'd go for something like mastohost if I wanted it hustle-free (although I started running my instance 2 years ago and I've dedicated less than 4 hours to maintenance).

For most people, I believe the best would be to use an instance from someone they trust. Ideally, I wouldn't like an instance bigger than 150 users (Dunbar's number).


@vinnl And I think the main advantage of having an instance-of-one is not about the server, but about the domain. I am running this in DigitalOcean now, but tomorrow I can open a mastohost account or pay someone to host it for me, without anyone noticing.

@noeldemartin Yep, but setting up my own domain is still more hassle and reliance on unreliable me than I'm willing to bear at this time. Additionally, it feels like somewhat of a waste of resources that I'd like to avoid if I can.

Unfortunately, though there are plenty of people I trust, I think there are none who are also running an instance and are relatively sure they'll still be running it in a couple of years.

@vinnl Yeah I know what you mean, I wish personal domains were natural to our digital citizenship and not something that only geeks do. I struggle with this myself, I don't have everything under my domain even though I'd like to 😅

@noeldemartin Yeah exactly, and for all the stuff I *do* have under my domain, I'm afraid that I'll one day mess it all up in one fell swoop 😅

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.