Found two browser bugs in two days… today's is in Chrome, having to do with emoji rendering on Windows.

One time when I was on the Microsoft Edge team, I got an award for most web compat bugs found in a week. (There was a small weekly contest; it was just for bragging rights.) Feels like not much has changed sometimes.

I say that jokingly, of course. With only three browser engines left, there's less room for huge differences between browsers. Plus projects like Web Platform Tests have really helped isolate and identify all the gaps:

When you see discussions like this one, around differences in :focus-visible implementations, you see that browsers are really grappling with the nitty-gritty differences, which is great:

Man, working with the Mozilla devs on Firefox bugs is always such a pleasure. I filed the bug yesterday, and already a dev has responded saying "let's make this work" and is pushing patches. I should be paying money for this browser.


@nolan Any ideas how to push this thing forward then? :) I know it's not a bug, and they already said they don't intend to support it. But it's really frustrating. I have to install PWAs with Chrome, and it wouldn't be such a bad thing if it weren't because clicking any external links open Chrome instead of my default browser which is Firefox...

@noeldemartin Your guess is as good as mine. I'm similarly disappointed by this. 😞

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