
@dajbelshaw @epilepticrabbit I think it's fine if you don't overthink it, I wouldn't say that's the reason why I liked it. I liked the other episodes as well, it's just that I found all those insights into coops very interesting because I know almost nothing about them :).

And about topic markers, unfortunately not many do it well :(. Which is why when I see someone using them it's great! One example of a podcast that has it is this one

@dajbelshaw @epilepticrabbit I'm trying to see where the timestamps are defined but it doesn't appear anywhere on the RSS feed, so I think the metadata is embedded on the audio file. I have never done it myself, but it seems like these are called "chapters", searching for "podcast chapters" online there seem to be some articles explaining it. Sorry if I can't be more useful 🙈 .

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