Hey Fedi, do you know if there is a federated (perhaps even #ActivityPub-powered) cooking recipe hosting service? If not, let's 👏 make 👏 this 👏 happen!

I hate modern recipe websites. All of them are full with ads and tracking. The leading recipe hosting in my country loads over 30 different trackers, and that's excluding the ads!

@VincentTunru @kytta Hey I'm curious about these use-cases. Why would you want a recipes app powered by Activity Pub? I've seen other people mentioning this type of thing before, but AFAIK Activity Pub is intended for social network-type apps, and a recipes manager doesn't fit that description. Is it in order to add comments to recipes and such? Or if you want to share the recipes, would posting a toot with a link to the recipe be enough?

@noeldemartin @VincentTunru the idea comes partly from Funkwhale. I want a hybrid solution, both a private cookbook one can keep for themselves, but also with a social element. Likes and comments are thus nice to have.

It doesn't have to be ActivityPub per se, but I really would want it to be federated

@noeldemartin @kytta @VincentTunru

> AFAIK Activity Pub is intended for social network-type apps, and a recipes manager doesn't fit that description

I'm curious about this observation. Isn't most online collaborative interaction social in nature? And the exchange of recipes in themed communities, groups of friends, discuss, improve, review, share, a real-life social experience to model?

Wonder if your notion on the use case of ActivityPub is colored by well-established platforms we now have?

@humanetech @noeldemartin @kytta @VincentTunru agree! If there're options for books, why wouldn't recipes work, considering how social it is to learn, share, improve... Recipes with others? What makes it different from coding?


@ccamara @humanetech @kytta @VincentTunru I see, I guess my notion of ActivityPub is indeed colored by the apps I've used or seen :).

I did know about Funkwhale, but I don't understand how it's using ActivityPub either so I guess I'll take a look. I do like the idea of enabling recipe variants, modifications, and such.

@ccamara @humanetech @kytta @VincentTunru The only question that comes to mind is that all of this needs to happen in the server-side, right? At the moment, I am building my apps completely in the client-side, so I'm not sure how I'd manage to do anything with ActivityPub under that constraint.

In any case, I don't think I'll look into this anytime soon, because I want to focus on finishing the first version. But thanks for the ideas :).

@noeldemartin @ccamara @kytta @VincentTunru

Not necessarily. The Client-to-Server part of the specs corresponds to the idea of 'thick clients, generic servers', not unlike XMPP. This is a very interesting aspect of AS/AP, but also where things are most experimental pioneering still.

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