Our team is at #SEMANTiCS2024! We have contributions on:
* “No more raw data!”, and how to always envelope data with trust by @rubenverborgh and @besteves4
* RDF Lens as a way to create reusable and composable transformations of triples into objects for developers by Arthur Vercruysse (https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3759/paper13.pdf)
* Linked Data Event Streams within cultural heritage #LDES by me at 14:00 today
@pietercolpaert @rubenverborgh @besteves4 Also, I think you may already be aware of my library; but since it's not referenced in the paper I'll mention it. I'm using a library (that I made) called Soukai which already does what you mention in the paper, parsing RDF as JS Objects (using the Active Record design pattern). I'm not using any RDF shapes to define the mapping or anything, but I think it'd be pretty easy to implement that :). https://github.com/noeldemartin/soukai-solid
@noeldemartin Thanks for the link! Will fwd this to Arthur!