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If you don't know anything about HEY, you should check out the features tour. It is a great overview that highlights many of their unique features.

I have been using HEY for a week now, here's a thread with my first impressions 👇

@craigmaloney Oh damn, I do the opposite, I turn emails to RSS feeds xD Although now that I use Hey maybe I should rethink that... I've been meaning to change my reader for a while, I'll see what I do. Thanks!

@craigmaloney Hey what RSS reader do you use? I've searched for "r2e reader" but I didn't find anything

Ok I just gave the code to! Patience for the rest, if you signed up yours should be arriving soon :). If it's any consolation, I didn't get and I don't think my name is that common. So I wouldn't worry about getting your first name either.


Cool, I just signed up :). Btw, the confirmation links are broken, not sure if you can fix that. They start with `https:/apconf` instead of `https://apconf`

I've got a invite code to give away, anyone who I know wants it? Free, of course, no payment shenanigans :D

that in most SQL engines the condition `category != 'movies'` will not return rows where the category is NULL, you should do `category != 'movies' OR category IS NULL` instead.

The other day I was saying it'd be nice to have an app that mimics the way that conversations happen in conferences/meetups. Today I found one that's very close to what I had in mind!

That CSS pixels are not equivalent to device pixels in high resolution screens. So <img width="300" height="300"> can actually be rendered as 600x600px in some devices.

@karen Yeah for sure, I guess at this point my Japanese level is just too low xD

@karen Well I "read" with kanji. But still, I struggle to know if a bunch of kanji together are a single word or many. Or if the hiragana are particles or part of the word conjugation. は vs が may be difficult to write/speak, but I don't think they are a huge problem for understanding. And kanji are difficult but it's easy to find what they mean online (and most of the things I read have furigana).

I'm talking about understanding Japanese. So this is probably not true for writing/speaking :).

@karen One of the things I find the hardest in Japanese is actually the lack of spaces, I struggle to know where a word/particle ends and another begins.

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