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@vinnl Are you using it for the web? If so, it'd be nice to hear about your motivations and experience with it :D I've been hearing about it but haven't really found a reason to use it myself - instead of javascript.

I've recently been extracting some helper methods from different projects into a utils package, and I came up with a Fluent API to combine custom helpers with built-in methods. It was fun to make it fully typed as well :D.

@dajbelshaw It's fun reading this being 30 myself :D You've certainly been working in the open for a long time and it's nice to be able of going back to these things!

I also think most of it still holds up :). The one about handshakes is definitely outdated though xD

There is such thing as TypeScript tests (meaning, tests that validate the correctness of your TypeScript definitions). Here are some examples from Vue 3:

Also, check out this repo to learn some advanced TypeScript stuff:

I just released a new version of Media Kraken with some improvements. If you had your Solid POD on solid community and the application stopped working, this update should fix your data and get you back on track!

Check out the release notes for more details:

@vinnl I agree completely, or like the sticker I have on my laptop says: "Show me the code or shut the #@!* up!" xD

I know that's a bit rude, but when programming/architecture discussions get too long without a concrete use-case, you're just talking about a silver bullet that doesn't exist. A solution may be great for one context and bad for another.

@vinnl Yes, technically you're right but in that scenario I'm abstracting out of necessity (because writing inline styles is too cumbersome). We could say that Tailwind makes it easier to work on concretions and only abstract when necessary :).

I remember Adam (the creator of Tailwind) talking about using this approach to write UI without components, and only create a component when you start repeating yourself. Similar to the rule of 3 for functions/classes but applied to the UI.

@vinnl Well sometimes it's not just an abstraction, working with components you already have an abstraction but you have to style individual parts.

Sure, you could just name those parts "one", "two", "three", etc. and since those are scoped to the component it would be ok. But it doesn't feel right so you start making up names.

Like Feynman said "It's not the same knowing the name of something and knowing something". So it's better to skip the naming altogether :D.

@vinnl Also, Tailwind is one of those projects that make me a better programmer. By reading their docs and content, I always learn new things. With previous CSS frameworks I just "used them".

@vinnl Something I noticed when I started using Tailwind is that I didn't have to think about naming any more. That's subtle, but as you know naming is one of the hardest things in programming :). So it removes that friction and makes building UI faster and more enjoyable (not something I thought I'd say about CSS before using Tailwind). Maybe other libraries out there have the same advantage, but Tailwind was the first (and only) utility-based framework I tried.

It seems like this starting to become a reality! (maybe it already was when I tooted this and I didn't know 😅 )

Here's 3 solutions I've found so far:

And some people has recommended, but I'm not sure it has the UX I had in mind.

@dajbelshaw We've been using for online conferences at Moodle and it's nice :) I've also heard some people recommending

And yes, no FOSS solution yet (that I know of), but it's nice to start seeing more solutions! Missing out on this kind of interactions was one of the qualms I had with online conferences :).

@Gargron I was skeptic at first but after giving it a change I use it everywhere now :) You can try it out here if you don't want to install anything

I started using TailwindCSS a while ago and now I use it everywhere. I was skeptic at first, but it's a perfect pairing with Vue and other component-based frameworks. Now that 2.0 is out it's a great time to give it a chance!

"These machines are the first general purpose computers ever where you have to make an exclusive choice: you can have a fast and efficient machine, or you can have a private one... Short of using an external network filtering device like a travel/vpn router that you can totally control, there will be no way to boot any OS on the new Apple Silicon macs that won’t phone home, and you can’t modify the OS to prevent this."

So, Google Photos will stop providing unlimited storage for free.

Who's surprised about this? Nobody, I hope. I actually believe this is better, but I don't like the bait and switch strategy. Whenever I see news about Google Photos, the story of Everpix comes to mind.

I just finished Caleb Porzio's VSCode course. Improving your workflow doesn't happen overnight, I've been introducing small changes for weeks. It's been a transformative experience, I'll never look at my programming environment the same way. Check it out!

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