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I didn't think I'd ever do this, but this month I started living with a cat at home and I talk to her while no one's around! Never say never 😹

Damn I forgot that Firebug existed and what coding on the web was like those days. Looking back, the web ecosystem has improved a lot (albeit maybe adding more complexity than I'd like). Except CSS, it still sucks.

Seems like server implementations don't support SPARQL yet, keep that in mind when working with applications storing a lot of data. The current recommendation is to use Globbing instead.

More about this:

Hey @indie @aral is there any way to find a list or directory of companies who adhere to ?

Since I started looking into , I realized it's built on top of many existing technologies I didn't know much about. Check out some basic concepts I'd recommend getting familiar with before learning it:

I enjoyed this talk by Rizqi Djamaluddin, where he goes into why data privacy is important and how we should be handling it: "Fundamentally Flawed: Privacy, People and the Age of Data"

Interesting, an open letter from DHH (Basecamp CTO) to Jeff Bezos (he was an early imvestor)

Yesterday I published a new blog post talking about Open Productivity, a new approach I'll be taking on how I communicate my work:

You can keep up to date with my progress here:

you can use `array_filter` in PHP without providing the filter callback, and it will get rid of all the falsy values. Sweet! I've written logic for this myself many times, so I'll definitely start using this instead.

I guess if I want to charge it as fast as possible, I can always apply the ultimate "battery saving mode": turning it off.

I wonder why my phone doesn't allow activating "battery saving mode" when charging. Wouldn't it charge faster?

Mastodon is awesome, I just favorited a bot's toot, I'm not sure I have ever done that in the birdsite.

In case you're wondering, it was @alt_text

I just found out the app I use to listen podcasts has a "hidden" stats page. And I've realized how much time I spend listening to them. I enjoy them, but I consume them mostly when I cannot do anything else like reading or programming (basically exercise/commuting). Bittersweet.

I'm sure if I eliminated my commute there are some I would still keep listening thou :D.

There are two kinds of developers: the ones who rely on logging output and the ones who use a debugger.

I fall on the first category, but today I had to use a debugger (I needed to find a memory leak).

It was a good experience, so be sure to combine both to get the best of both worlds!

about this awesome website: Check how much adding that sweet node package will cost you (file size/download speed).

On creating git diffs 

I just noticed my tracker blocker had to block Twitter SDK and Google Analytics from an official website from my government where I had to submit official documentation... How far can this go? We all now the next inevitable step is having them in our home.

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.