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This week I attended and I enjoyed it a lot! It was great to meet a community where Developers, Designers, and Open Source come together. I'll definitively pay more attention to @penpot!

If you're curious, check out the recordings at

@rosano I think it depends on your goal for a project.

If it is to accomplish something, and you're sure working with other people will make it better; you should involve others.

If your goal is to create a "lifestyle business" (nothing wrong with that), then it's fine to keep working alone. But you have to assume the limitations of that model.

It's not only one or the other, but I find it very difficult to believe that you could fully achieve both. You should choose one and embrace it.

I have sent a couple of letters to myself in the future and it's always been useful to see things more clearly. You know, all that about overestimating the short term and underestimating the long term.

I've been using, in case you're curious to try it yourself!

What's going on with at the moment is awesome. I hope it ends well and I hope to see a lot more of this in the future. Ideally, communities will eventually migrate to making better technology choices though. But hey, it's a start.

@billbsb Thank you :). At the moment I'm tinkering with Nextcloud and one of the things I'm looking into is using it as a Solid POD, but I'm not working on any new Solid Apps at the moment. Although I will probably do once I'm done with this :). You can follow what I'm doing in

@rosano To be honest, I'm not good at drawing either xD. But I learned a trick a while ago which is to start drawing on top of an existing image :). I did know how to use Photoshop though, but you could do something like this with any graphic design program. It's just a matter of adding layers one after another and retouching until it looks decent.

This is the picture I used as a base:

@rosano You can actually se my hand "drawing it" in my header (which I just realized was broken in Mastodon πŸ™ˆ ). But I drew it with photoshop, not by hand xD.

@rosano Yes :) Did you think it was auto-generated by a program or something?

@rosano πŸ˜‚ I'm always thinking that I should remake it some day, but in a way I like its weirdness xD

Yes please! More lifetime, and less subscriptions. And not just for content sites, I've been using apps for years that I haven't paid a cent because of the subscription model. But I would buy them in an instant. Don't underestimate "finished products".

If you enjoyed The Social Dilemma documentary, I recommend watching this: The A.I. Dilemma

@VincentTunru Hey thanks, it sound interesting but that isn't my problem with upgrades. I always format to start from scratch, and I like that. The traumatic part is that I want to install or use something I was relying on, but it's not available anymore :(. I don't think Fedora Silverblue solves that, right? The idea of rolling back is nice, but if I'd be willing to do that I could just stay in the same version of Ubuntu forever xD I don't for security concerns and such.

If you've wanted to follow the updates in my website but couldn't be bothered to subscribe through RSS, you can now subscribe with email!

Check it out:

@android10 I'm curious about something though. You're using Synology for file syncing (first time I hear about it). Did you consider NextCloud or do you have any reasons why it's better/worse? That's the one I'm thinking on using :) In particular, I'm thinking on having a hybrid cloud/homelab setup (most files in the homelab, some folders synced across cloud/local). Not sure if it even makes sense, but that's the idea I have in mind at the moment.

@android10 That's awesome, thanks for sharing :D. I was thinking on doing something similar myself, but I was totally thinking on using Docker and not even looking at Kubernetes. Among other things because I don't know anything about it, and I've heard enough people saying it's overkill for most projects that I don't even want to spend any time learning it.

If you ever wanted to build a #Solid App you might be interested in participating in #Inrupt's April 2023 #hackathon an even win a prize

Good to say it out loud in case someone needs to hear it. Many OSS devs lost a third or more of their sponsors. Don't doubt yourself. The ongoing crisis and GitHub removing Paypal as a payment option are possible reasons. We appreciate you! Thanks a ton for what you do πŸ’œ

Also, be careful if you're using faker-js because it is not tree-shakeable either! I found out about this because using it in one of my tests increased my production bundle to 3MB O.o

none of my libraries were actually tree-shakeable because I wasn't declaring "sideEffect": true in the package.json πŸ˜…οΈ

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.