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We are looking for a UX/UI designer in the Mobile Apps team at Moodle! We are a small team based in Barcelona (working remotely), you'd be working with me on a daily basis. Check it out if you're interested.

@vinnl Yeah I know what you mean, I wish personal domains were natural to our digital citizenship and not something that only geeks do. I struggle with this myself, I don't have everything under my domain even though I'd like to 😅

@vinnl And I think the main advantage of having an instance-of-one is not about the server, but about the domain. I am running this in DigitalOcean now, but tomorrow I can open a mastohost account or pay someone to host it for me, without anyone noticing.

@vinnl Personally, I'd go for something like mastohost if I wanted it hustle-free (although I started running my instance 2 years ago and I've dedicated less than 4 hours to maintenance).

For most people, I believe the best would be to use an instance from someone they trust. Ideally, I wouldn't like an instance bigger than 150 users (Dunbar's number).

@colby Yeah Autonomous Data is not the same as Solid, but I have to say that I thought about it before I knew that Solid existed. Once I found about Solid, I thought the vision was so close that I'd focus my efforts on that instead of building my own thing. It's still useful to keep in mind though, maybe some day I'll do something more with it. But not in the foreseeable future.

@colby Hey, following up on this. I've created a repo with my list of movies and it works with Media Kraken :). I didn't have to modify anything in the app for this to work!

If you missed my presentation about Media Kraken, here's the recording! Thanks to everyone who attended, and to the organizers for inviting me!

is starting in 10 minutes! I'll be talking about my app: Media Kraken. Come by if you want to ask any live questions! If you can't make it, there'll be a recording :)

@colby And I pointed you to the forum because if you want to share your opinion with the Solid community, that's the best place to do it at the moment. And that's what I think you were trying to do with your comments, because it doesn't seem like the issues you're mentioning are unique to Media Kraken. Of course, I appreciate your feedback about my app and I'll look into it.

@colby It's ok, nothing wrong with sharing your opinion :).

I kind of agree that it's advancing slowly, but I've been "in the loop" for 2 years and at least I can say it is advancing. I see a lot more people around today than I did at the beginning. And the project hasn't been going on that many years. Yes, "Solid" as a concept has existed for a while. But the Solid community and the intention to push it forward are not that old. It was a research project for a long time.

@colby Maybe you should open a post about this on, that way others who know more about Solid than me can also chip in :) I'll check out that POLP thing.

@colby What do you mean with POLP? I don't know what that means.

But yeah, I am assuming that the url belongs to a full-fledged Solid POD (or said differently, that it implements the Solid protocol following the spec). Although I'm not sure why that's a problem or the use-case you're trying to solve.

If you want maybe you can share a link of something you think should work with the Viewer that isn't working and I can take a look :). You can send me a DM if you don't want it to be public.

@colby Well it relies on authentication for the most part, but the Viewer only reads documents. My point in my previous comment is that the application doesn't really know if the url belongs to a static file or not, "static" is only a concept relevant to the server processing the request, but applications making requests don't know if the responses come from a static asset or have been generated by a backend script.

@colby I don't know much about remoteStorage or Webfinger, but as I understand it using a url to a "static" turtle document should work with Media Kraken. From the application's point of view, it cannot tell if it's static or not. As long as a GET request to the provided url returns a turtle document, it should work.

There may be an issue now because I'm assuming that the url to container documents end with a /, but I think you should be able to work around that with static assets.

Are you a developer and do you want to share lists of movies with your friends? Check out Media Kraken Viewer:

@vinnl I guess you could just stop the deletion process whenever something goes wrong. And if some resources have been lost it should be fine, given that the user was trying to delete everything.

But yeah, I don't think it's such a common use-case, I just need to do it because I often test the golden path with Media Kraken and I have many useless containers with movies that I'd like to clean up xD. But I have seen that I can remove their reference in the type index and that's already useful :).

This week's side project might be useful for Solid developers. It's called Penny, and it allows you to inspect and manipulate data in your Pod.

Give it a try here, and let me know what you think: #Solid #SolidProject

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Noel's Mastodon

This is an instance-of-one managed by Noel De Martin.