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@vinnl Also, It allows you to delete auto-generated things like `ldp:contains` triples from containers, but of course nothing happens. The network request for this returns 500 but I don't see an error in the UI.

@vinnl This is awesome :D I feel like I'll use from now on to interact with my POD :) thanks!

Some improvements I can see:
- It'd be nice to have a button to collapse the blocks under "Things" (maybe even appear collapsed by default).
- I'm missing a button to delete a container with all their contents. I know that's a dangerous operation, but I think having the confirmation you already have for deleting resources is enough.

When did Google start asking for this to watch age-restricted videos? (And how does having a credit card prove that I'm an adult?)

One new tip for this year.

If you do New Year Resolutions, you should also do Last Year Achievements.

You'll be surprised of how many things you achieved that weren't in your resolutions but are worthy of them.

@thenewoil Hey, do you know what happened with this podcast or who was working on it? it seems like all the feeds are dead :/

I've made a simple app to test compatibility with different PODs, if it doesn't work with your Solid account please let me know by opening an issue!

Question for people who subscribe to email newsletters 

@Pete Yeah I've read all of them :) I didn't have that one on my list of favourites though, I'll give it another read!

Seneca's "On Discursiveness in Reading" is one of my favourite letters of his, and I feel the same way about programming. When I find a technology I like, I'd rather stick with it than learning something new.

@vinnl @PINE64 I see, yeah I'm the same ship :) Some day I'll give it a try.

@vinnl Are you using it for the web? If so, it'd be nice to hear about your motivations and experience with it :D I've been hearing about it but haven't really found a reason to use it myself - instead of javascript.

I've recently been extracting some helper methods from different projects into a utils package, and I came up with a Fluent API to combine custom helpers with built-in methods. It was fun to make it fully typed as well :D.

@dajbelshaw It's fun reading this being 30 myself :D You've certainly been working in the open for a long time and it's nice to be able of going back to these things!

I also think most of it still holds up :). The one about handshakes is definitely outdated though xD

There is such thing as TypeScript tests (meaning, tests that validate the correctness of your TypeScript definitions). Here are some examples from Vue 3:

Also, check out this repo to learn some advanced TypeScript stuff:

I just released a new version of Media Kraken with some improvements. If you had your Solid POD on solid community and the application stopped working, this update should fix your data and get you back on track!

Check out the release notes for more details:

@vinnl I agree completely, or like the sticker I have on my laptop says: "Show me the code or shut the #@!* up!" xD

I know that's a bit rude, but when programming/architecture discussions get too long without a concrete use-case, you're just talking about a silver bullet that doesn't exist. A solution may be great for one context and bad for another.

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