Well, I know it's still 4 months away but I just made my reservations to attend #FOSDEM 2023! I went back in 2019 and 2020 and it was great, so I'm looking forward to attending in person again :).
Let me know if you're around! https://fosdem.org
I'll be in Amsterdam next week for #LaraconEU and I'm looking for a co-working space to go on Monday. Any suggestions?
The Laravel conference I was going to attend in Amsterdam was cancelled, but it's finally been re-scheduled for April 26th. This time it looks a lot more sure to happen 🤞 See you there #LaraconEU!
#NewProfilePic I've changed my avatar for the first in almost 8 years! And I've got @flicknelson@twitter.com to thank. For those who don't know him; he's designed the last couple of Laracon websites. So I'm very happy to both renew my image and strengthen my identity as a Laravel fanboy :).
We just opened a couple of positions for the Mobile Apps team at Moodle! A PHP developer and an Ionic developer. We are a small team based in Barcelona (working remotely), check it out if you want to join us.
As always, if you want to follow the updates about the project you can get them here: https://noeldemartin.com/now
It's been a long time in the making, but I finally have a visual update for my upcoming #Solid app! It's still work in progress, and I don't expect to release it at least until the beginning of next year, but it's starting to show its real form :)
Starting in an hour!
Make sure to come if you want to learn how to make #Solid, @remotestorage or @fission apps
Do you want to make apps using the #Solid protocol, but don't know where to start? This Wednesday I'm going to present a Hello World I've been working on, that just uses plain JavaScript and HTML (no frameworks!). Come and join the conversation! https://chat.0data.app/t/zero-data-swap-4-hello-world-november-24-2021
#ZeroData swap 4 will be a 'hello world' presentation with @noeldemartin and i for the simplest implementations for each protocol https://chat.0data.app/t/zero-data-swap-4-hello-world-november-24-2021/51
(still looking for a volunteer to do an easy @remotestorage or @fission integration)
In January I'll be traveling abroad for the first time in 2 years, and what better occasion than to attend #LaraconEU in Amsterdam. I don't know how it took me this long to attend a Laravel conference, but it's finally going to happen. I'm super excited to meet my fellow artisans!
Some months ago I uninstalled WhatsApp from my phone, and it's been by far the most difficult technology to stop using... Only yesterday I was changing my internet provider, and they required me to have a WhatsApp account to confirm the appointment with the technician.
So I hope this "meta" thing doesn't catch on -.- https://about.fb.com/news/2021/10/facebook-company-is-now-meta/
If you enjoyed this post, we have been talking about it in the Solid Forum and the Zero Data Chat:
Join us!
One of the reasons why I am working with Solid is that it embraces interoperability as one of its core values. But there is a lot of nuance about what that looks like in practice. In this blog post, I share my thoughts on the topic. https://noeldemartin.com/blog/interoperable-serendipity
I've just released an alpha version of an app I'm working on. It's not production-ready, but I'd appreciate it if you give me some feedback: https://forum.solidproject.org/t/request-for-comments-crdtish-approach-to-solid/4211/14
Today makes 10 years since I started my journey as a developer! Here's what it's been like and what I've learned. https://noeldemartin.com/blog/10-years-as-a-software-developer
Laravel turned 10 years old today!
I can honestly say that Laravel is the single piece of software that has inspired me the most in my programming career. I can't imagine my life as a developer without Laravel, thank you Taylor and the rest of the awesome Laravel community. Here's to another 10 years 🍻.
Problem Solver. Software Architect. Entrepreneur.
Making Solid apps (solidproject.org), and pondering what to do next.